The learner’s journey

Cullen Language Services supports you throughout your language training. 

Find out more about the different stages of your training here.

  1. Getting in touch: you or your company contact us to discuss language training.

If you are disabled or have learning difficulties, please let us know, so that we can offer you a suitable solution.



  1. Initial assessment: We offer you

– a written level test and an online diagnosis of your needs

– an oral test by telephone or in person

These elements enable us to identify your level, your needs and your training objectives. 


  1. We offer a training program tailored to your needs…

…on your site, in total immersion, in our center, remotely by phone, videoconference, e-learning…

We formalize the administrative aspects of your training.



  1. Launching your route

Your training usually starts 1 to 2 weeks after your application has been validated.

Cullen puts you in touch with your trainer

We activate your e-learning license if this option is included in your course.


  1. Your journey

Throughout the course, your trainer will check your knowledge to ensure that you are making progress.

You will receive satisfaction questionnaires

  • intermediate (20% of the route) 
  • end of training
  • and ” cold “, 30 days after completion of your course


  1. Validating your course

At the end of your journey, Cullen will send you

  • a training completion certificate
  • certificate of level test , if included in your itinerary
  • an end-of-course report written by your trainer


Take language lessons with Cullen!

Contact us today on 04 72 98 05 20 or via our online form.