
Cullen obtains QUALIOPI certification

What is QUALIOPI certification?

The QUALIOPI certification attests to the quality of training organizations based in France such as Cullen Language Services. QUALIOPI is a quality label that puts the learner at the heart of the training process, recognizing training centers which offer learning experiences best suited to their clients’ needs.

To achieve this, the organization was assessed according to 7 criteria:

  • Information provided to the public including learner success rates
  • Course objectives and the organization’s commitment to adapting services to specific learning needs
  • Support, monitoring and assessment methods
  • The relevance of teaching, technical and supervisory resources
  • Developing the knowledge and skills of its employees
  • The training company’s place in its professional environment 
  • Gathering learner feedback and using the information obtained to continually improve its services

QUALIOPI-certified language training center

Cullen Language Services is delighted to announce that we have been awarded the Certification Référentiel National Qualité (RNQ) QUALIOPI.

We achieved the best possible result: 100% compliance for all criteria.

The Qualiopi label recognizes the quality of our training and follow-up as well as the continuous improvement processes we have developed and implemented.

We are proud to be among the first training organizations in France to obtain this new certification.

Want to test Cullen quality for yourself? Get in touch with your Language training center today!